IAMF Binaural Web Demo

The letters IAMF next to a triangular purple, green, and yellow logo which is a modification of the Alliance for Open Media logo.

What is IAMF?

IAMF is a new open source spatial audio format from Alliance for Open Media that enables immersive audio experiences. IAMF specifies the audio compression and rendering that every compatible device should implement, from living-room devices to mobile and web.

About this demo

This is a demo of the libiamf decoder compiled into WebAssembly and decoding IAMF in the browser.

To get the spatial, binaural audio experience and hear the direction of sounds, you need to both use headphones and to use an IAMF file that has the headphones_rendering_mode set to HEADPHONES_RENDERING_MODE_BINAURAL.

Our team keeps on improving the binaural rendering quality and will update the demo as work progresses.

Things to listen for:

How to run the demo:

Questions or feedback: Please file an issue on GitHub.


Drag and drop here

Note: Only standalone .iamf files are supported and very large files (> 1GB) may exhaust the browser sandbox's memory.

Audio Playback

After a file is finished decoding, you can listen to the results here.

You can click the [Stereo] and [Binaural] buttons to switch between the binaural and stereo versions and hear the difference in spatalization.

Clicking on the waveform/timeline allows you to jump to a particular point and clicking and dragging allows you to select a section for looping.

Remember to use headphones!

Built 2024-10-18 14:04:01 UTC - Renderers: Resonance Audio and BEAR